Sylvia and I have helped a handful of kids while on our journey, and they have some wild imaginations. I may not always enjoy what they think I am, this so-called “Legend”, but I ultimately don’t mind as long as it gives them hope and inspires them to be good. But… There's this one story that a kid came up with that always leaves me baffled.

Do any of you remember “creepypastas”? Okay, chances are you do know what they are (it’s okay if you didn’t!), since they’re still fairly popular (or that’s what Sylvia told me). Admittingly, I had a “creepypasta” phase when I was a teenager, which I’d rather not talk too much about since that’s my personal life. Anyways, I’m very sure this child me and Sylvia helped one time made a creepypasta about me. 99% sure of it. The story went something like this:

“The Legend” is a hero who helps those in need, but there was a time in his life that he did evil things. If you played Foggy Mountain Breakdown in an E Minor key on a rainy day at 2AM, the Legend would appear. It isn’t the normal Legend, actually. It’s the “.EXE” version of the Legend, having black fur and sharp teeth and violently realistic red eyes. He had a chainsaw for a hand and wore a strange tophat. This evil version of the Legend would attempt to kill you, invigorated by having a chance to be an absolute monster. If you were able to scare the evil Legend, he would make you his “proxy” and let you live in his gothic mansion??? He was also a ghost who haunted video games and cartoons, too. I remember that. I remember that kid saying that there’s a banned episode of Brandon the Bingleborp called “Stupid Idiot Brandon Dies in H E double hockey sticks” where the evil Legend appeared. The episode and its intro started out normal, but there was fire everywhere and screaming! George the GorpGorp looked frightened while Brandon the Bingleborp was oblivious to what George is so scared of. Turns out it was the Legend.EXE! And he threw the two innocent characters into the underworld.

the legend.exe

(an example of this "The Legend.EXE")

Well, take this description with a teensy grain of salt. Not because I don’t remember it perfectly (trust me, I do and I hate to forget things), but because this story was perhaps the most graphic thing I’ve heard from a kid. I can only hope you share my bewilderment. You probably don’t share it, and that’s okay, since it’s such a specific feeling of shock. I really wanted to do something about it when it happened because I do feel like this could cause the kid to have bad behavior :-(. It also reminds me of a… bad chapter in my life so it feels personal. At the same time, however, I find it teensy a tiny little bit funny. A couple weeks ago, Sylvia and I read some popular creepypastas together and they definitely weren’t as scary or even “cool” as I remembered them being. I wasn’t even scared of them, and I’m really sensitive to horror media! It’s crazy how many of those stories follow the same format, and that kid’s story hits every beat of them. Sylvia seemed to find the situation more funny than anything for the reasons I previously mentioned. At the end of the day, I am baffled above everything else. Thank the stars my shock is that strong…

wander creepypasta image